Adds a Cloudinary image component to Astro
Adds a Cloudinary image component to Astro
This facilitates the creation and usage of global, immutable data for Astro apps.
Deploy your site to a Deno server
Galactiks Astro integration
BeamAnalytics integration for Astro
Astro integration for automatic image optimization
Let's you choose between Astro Adapters based off of the `ASTRO_ADAPTER_MODE` environment variable.
Custom elements renderer for ssr
Set of Astro components to improve the developer experience when writing pages
Remark plugin for Astro that automatically optimizes images referenced in markdown files.
Use components to control flow in Astro
This **[Astro integration][astro-integration]** offers a way to create type-safe API routes with no set-up and minimal concepts to learn.
This Astro integration brings satori to your Astro project.
Windi CSS + Astro Integrations
This Astro integration generates preview images for external links.
The Reactive Form component for Astro 🔥
Render Astro components to images
Load and transform images and svgs/vectors in your Astro site.
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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